Goals per game

Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Pages

For this final segment of the game, I will be adding a few new pages here to help you all in your quest for bragging rights.

I have already added a page with a table showing the upcoming double and blank gameweeks. This should help you plan out your transfers to make sure you don't get rid of a player with a promising upcoming double or bring one in with a looming blank.

I will also be adding a page that looks more in depth at the relative value of players. I will be ranking players based on points per game (PPG) and points per million spent (PPMS). I won't be ranking all the players in the game as I don't have the time, but I will be ranking the top 10 goalkeepers and top 25 each of defenders, midfielders, and forwards. The PPG ranking will help us pick out which players are actually good fantasy producers as opposed to those who have just played more games. The PPMS rankings will help you budget to pick out some of those all-important value players.

Look for updates and improvements on these pages over the coming few days as the game gets set for the third and final segment.

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